Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Cleaning Week 1- The Bathroom


My first week of cleaning is almost always the bathrooms.  And for one reason only, it's my LEAST favorite chore of all.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a clean bathroom... When the kids were really little, I used to close the door of the bathroom, and linger extra, quiet-filled minutes, just to "get away" from some of the noise and chaoso that is our life!  A nice clean bathroom can speak volumes for a home, so can a clutter free one.

I can remember YEARS ago, when I first became a mother, how hard it was to keep things tidy and clean. As years have progressed, I have lots of help!  My boys are now in charge of cleaning 'their' bathroom.  Chores have helped my boys see the value of taking care of what they use. Because if they don't, they STILL have to clean it up later.  So, I have great helpers.  But every bathroom could use a good spring clean!

The bathroom is one of the dirtiest/ germiest places in a home.  The obvious places like showers, sinks, and toilets are some of the very worst places for germs.  And in cleaning a bathroom, don't forget the light switch, the soap pump, the toilet handle, the floor around the toilet, and the inside of the toilet lid.  Also, make sure that you change towels often. Especially if it is being used often.  Sometimes when I have company, I check the hand towel because if it is hanging there and wet, besides probably being very germy, it's (for me anyways) slightly disgusting to wipe your wet hands on an already very wet towel.

So, what should we clean?

Here is my list.  You can break it up into days, so you don't have to do everything all at once, or if you have a good chunk of a day to knock it out, good for you!!

-  Sink, faucet (use a cheap tooth brush to clean around in the little crevices), Mirror
-  Clean the wall where the hand towel hangs (I'm just SURE there are germs there!)
-  Clean the light switches
-  Shower/ tub, including the faucet
-  toilet, toilet lid (top and bottom), handle, floor around the toilet 
         ****Don't forget- NEVER use the rag on anything else after you use it on the toilet/ toilet area. 
-  Clean under the sink, organize
-  Clean/ organize any closet/ storage space in your bathroom- Get rid of things that you aren't using or will never use (no need to clutter the space with those items!), get rid of those holey towels.
-  clean out/ off those toothbrush holders/ cups/ drawers
-  Another one of the germiest places in your home is the makeup bag/ drawer...  Make sure you throw out old makeup, clean your brushes (blush, eyeshadow, hair and others) with hot soapy water, wipe down the area(s) in which you keep all of your makeup. 
-  Change any old bulbs, clean out fixtures.
-  Wash your rugs and shower curtain.
-  Dust decor

Hopefully this helps!  Happy Cleaning!!

(Next week- Bedrooms)

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